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Bible Lessons

who are we

Spiritually, and most importantly, we are a people saved by the grace of God through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are a people willing to allow our lives to be transformed by the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we are a people willing to encourage one another in all of our imperfections as we walk with one another in the goodness of the Lord.


Denominationally, we are a non-denominational Bible-based church community.


​​Historically, we are a new church plant responding to the call of God to make disciples in the greater St. Louis area. In 2011, our founding pastor, Curtis Thompson, began to disciple a group of men from various churches in the greater St. Louis area. Later, his wife began to disciple their wives and other women. In 2012, Pastor Thompson met with a group of men to share the vision and mission of a church plant that the Holy Spirit had laid on his heart. In keeping with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), at the direction of the Holy Spirit, the discipleship process continued during 2013 with other men and women. A "Church Plant Core Group" was established in 2013 to carry out the vision and mission of the church plant. In January 2014, we began conducting monthly worship services under the official church name of Ekklesia Christian Fellowship. The Lord continued to connect believers to the vision. In January 2015 Ekklesia Christian Fellowship began to conduct weekly services in its current location.



The plant work continues...


Ekklesia Christian Fellowship is fulfilling God's Great Commission to make disciples of Christ.


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